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Hi Brian, you can pick a larger font size, which will return a larger image. You can then change it in your email markup if you'd like it to render smaller.
Hi Alex, we've seen this a few times with different firewall products, and are unsure why McAfee rates us as they do. We will reach out. Could you also send them a note as well? Hearing from customers who are using their services usually gets a quicker response.

Hi Andrew,

Some versions of Outlook do not support animated GIFs. In this case the first frame is displayed, which is correct timer wise but has no motion.

You can see this post for a link to more information.

Hi Seth,

Short answer, no.

We provide an API that allows you to create timers with different end times on the fly by appending a date to the code snippet. For more information, see "Can I use different Dates and Times with a single timer?" in our FAQ section in your dashboard. This API now also allows appending a date time in the following format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.

As far as we know, this is currently not a solution for InfusionSoft autoresponders, because there's no way to calculate the end time on your end. In the future, we plan to allow the following format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss&5d or something similar, which would allow you to use the current date merge field (assuming this is provided) and add (in this example) 5 days to the count down timer.


Team MotionMail

Weeks and months are currently not options we offer. We will include your suggestion in our feature planning.
At this point our timers only show days, hours and minutes. We will explore adding the option to add weeks and months. Thank you for your suggestion!

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