
MotionMail blocked by Trend Micro

P Martin 10 years ago updated 10 years ago 5
s.mmgo.io is blocked by Trend Micro. Are other businesses blocking MotionMail img tags?

I don't want to buy this and use it on my list if it isn't going to work reliably!

Image 5
Under review
Hi, thanks for trying Motion Mail. We see generally very high delivery rates, but since the service is somewhat unique, sometimes providers mistakenly block it.  We have submitted a request to Trend Micro to unblock the image domain. If you see any other problems please let us know.

Great - thanks. Once it gets unblocked and I can do some proper testing I'll sign up. Cool service. 
Hello, we've contacted Trend Micro, and they have indicated that the s.mmgo.io domain is now classified as "Safe - Business/Economy". Let us know your experience!
Great, thanks guys.