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We're glad you enjoy using MotionMail! We plan to add more timer styles and options to customize your timers in future releases.
Thank you for your feedback!

The option to exclude days is intended for countdown timers with an end time less than 24 hours away. In these cases, including the days is often not necessary. It is with this use case in mind that we simply drop the number of days in the current implementation.

You bring up a good point that this approach could show the incorrect time if the end time is more than 24 hours. Additionally, it's important to note that this feature could show the incorrect time when sending out email across different timezones.

We appreciate you making us aware that this feature might cause confusion and will include an explanation in our FAQ.
This feature is complete and will be included in the next release!
This feature is currently not available; the timer will simply show 0's indicating time has run out. We will consider the option to show a custom message instead.
Thank you for your feedback. We've added the option to delete/archive timers to our feature road map and it will show up within the next few releases.
This feature is currently in production and translations for all the languages you mention will be included in our next release.
Hi André,

Are you adding the countdown timer directly into your email from a email client (e.g. Gmail, Outlook)? If so, this post might be relevant to you: My emails show the countdown timer embed code instead of the timer itself. What am I doing wrong?

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